Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Over Due Accessory Post - DIY

As I’m a big fan of accessories… for men and women! And will tag along with the cliché, “less is more”... allow me... accessories add to the “more” when you apply to the “less”. So, when I saw this type-writer key necklace, I just thought it was refreshingly original…

No, NOT these...

But these...

DIY or find them @


María said...

Those necklaces are cool. And I'm so glad you like my blog ;)

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Those are so fun and you're so right, nice and original.

riz said...

that is most def. the shizzz. This might induce me to be more DIY in general...

riz said...

that is most def. the shizzz. This might induce me to be more DIY in general...

SandDancer said...

Good to have you back!

I've "tagged" you - see my blog for details.